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Ownership is the future of digital entertainment, says blockchain exec


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### Title: “Unlocking Growth: Deutsche Telekom’s Web3 Expansion and Crypto Ventures” “`html Unlocking Growth: Deutsche Telekom’s Web3 Expansion and Crypto Ventures Summary Deutsche Telekom, as a Polygon validator and Fetch.ai partner, is expanding its Web3 initiatives to include Bitcoin mining and Lightning Network nodes. The company’s focus on digital infrastructure and cryptocurrency operations positions it for new revenue streams. Introduction Deutsche Telekom, a key player in Web3 technologies, has been actively involved in validating blockchain networks and recently ventured into Bitcoin mining. Through partnerships and strategic initiatives, the company is leveraging its infrastructure for innovative ventures in the crypto space. Main Points Deutsche Telekom, a Polygon validator since June 2023, has extended its involvement in Web3 by collaborating with Fetch.ai to launch corporate AI solutions. Their focus on supporting blockchain networks and expanding into Bitcoin mining reflects a strategic shift towards cryptocurrency operations. Dirk Röder, overseeing Web3 infrastructure, shared the company’s future plans at BTC Prague, emphasizing their Bitcoin and Lightning Network nodes operations. This move towards digital monetary processes aligns with their ongoing crypto initiatives and commitment to blockchain technologies. Deutsche Telekom’s engagement in blockchain validation, Bitcoin mining, and Lightning Network nodes underscores their commitment to fostering innovation and exploring new opportunities in the crypto space. By participating in various aspects of the blockchain ecosystem, the company is poised to capitalize on the growing trends in digital currencies. Conclusion Deutsche Telekom’s foray into cryptocurrency operations and Web3 expansion signifies a strategic approach to leveraging blockchain technologies for business growth. With a focus on validation services, AI partnerships, and cryptocurrency mining, the company is well-positioned to tap into the evolving landscape of digital assets and decentralized applications. “`

### Title: “Unlocking Growth: Deutsche Telekom’s Web3 Expansion and Crypto Ventures” “`html Unlocking Growth: Deutsche Telekom’s Web3 Expansion and Crypto Ventures Summary Deutsche Telekom, as a Polygon validator and Fetch.ai partner, is expanding its Web3 initiatives to include Bitcoin mining and Lightning Network nodes. The company’s focus on digital infrastructure and cryptocurrency operations positions it for new revenue streams. Introduction Deutsche Telekom, a key player in Web3 technologies, has been actively involved in validating blockchain networks and recently ventured into Bitcoin mining. Through partnerships and strategic initiatives, the company is leveraging its infrastructure for innovative ventures in the crypto space. Main Points Deutsche Telekom, a Polygon validator since June 2023, has extended its involvement in Web3 by collaborating with Fetch.ai to launch corporate AI solutions. Their focus on supporting blockchain networks and expanding into Bitcoin mining reflects a strategic shift towards cryptocurrency operations. Dirk Röder, overseeing Web3 infrastructure, shared the company’s future plans at BTC Prague, emphasizing their Bitcoin and Lightning Network nodes operations. This move towards digital monetary processes aligns with their ongoing crypto initiatives and commitment to blockchain technologies. Deutsche Telekom’s engagement in blockchain validation, Bitcoin mining, and Lightning Network nodes underscores their commitment to fostering innovation and exploring new opportunities in the crypto space. By participating in various aspects of the blockchain ecosystem, the company is poised to capitalize on the growing trends in digital currencies. Conclusion Deutsche Telekom’s foray into cryptocurrency operations and Web3 expansion signifies a strategic approach to leveraging blockchain technologies for business growth. With a focus on validation services, AI partnerships, and cryptocurrency mining, the company is well-positioned to tap into the evolving landscape of digital assets and decentralized applications. “`

Web3 is uprooting traditional entertainment industries with a new way of creating and engaging with digital content.

The industry has already seen nonfungible tokens (NFTs) display the potential to transform how television scheduled programming can be created. Increased metaverse activity began challenging artists with new possibilities for performances and connectivity with their fans.

All the use cases of Web3 technology upgrading the future of digital entertainment include one key component: ownership. Ownership is one of the defining characteristics that distinguishes Web3 activity from its predecessor. 

According to professionals in the industry it will also be a defining characteristic not only of Web3, but of the future of digital entertainment.

Cointelegraph spoke with Mitch Liu, CEO of the media and entertainment-centric blockchain Theta Labs, on what users can expect in the not-so-distant future of digital entertainment.

Foremost, ownership redirects power back to the users actually engaging with the content, rather than a few powerful platforms. Liu highlights that specifically with “tokenized economies for entertainment businesses,” both users and platforms benefit.

“For platforms that embrace Web3, they gain new ways of monetization at a time when the margins of Web2 business models are shrinking.”

This comes at a time when competition within the streaming industry is driving turbulent results for service providers. According to recent reports, platforms such as Paramount+ and Disney+ saw an increase in subscribers in the last quarter. However stocks dropped as much as 9% for the latter, and earnings for both fell short of official estimates.

Related: Social tokens will be the engine of Web3, from fanbases to incentivization

Liu says streaming wars lead to higher costs for users and more ads. Instead, he suggests such platforms need to adopt new business models which highlight user experience. This comes through ownership.

“The key is to give the users and fans a say rather than have every decision come from the top down.”

Liu continued by saying that, “giving more control back to users, whether it’s immutable ownership of a movie or the right to vote on how a platform operates, will help to avoid centralization.”

Metaverse activity is one way to particularly enhance user experience through ownership. As investors are pouring into the metaverse space, entertainment platforms can take advantage of a new frontier with fewer barriers between audiences. 

“Decentralized economies and user ownership can be built into metaverses from the ground up.”

According to a recent DappRadar report, metaverse and blockchain gaming projects cumulatively raised $1.3 billion during Q3. 

Companies in the space also see the potential Web3 has for entertainment ventures, as blockchain developer Ripple created a $250 million fund to back entertainment and media-focused Web3 projects. Its second wave of creators launched on Oct. 18 of this year.